Our Team
Steven V. Wasserman
Founder, CEO & Architect of Vments LLC
Steve Wasserman has a stellar history as a serial entrepreneur in Fintech, Blockchain, ERP, and Electronic Payments software.
Steve co-founded a successful Fintech company, IPP, which enabled financially inclusive walk-in bill payment plus prepaid & debit card solutions. A series of acquisitions and name changes ended with a PayPal acquisition for over $300m. Steve then founded Vments, commercializing tokenized deposits and Enterprise Digital Banking (EDB) Platform.
Now at Photon Commerce, Steve helps clients and partners leverage AI software to automate financial documents. Use cases include enhanced and automated front end payment initiation, backend automated straight through processing, and everything in-between helping to deliver instant payments user experiences, enable new directories and document exchanges.
For decades Steve consulted ERP clients integrating payables and receivables payments and other streamlined automation between banks and trading partners. Steve helps banks and fintechs strategize to leverage faster payments and the latest technologies as their part of their roadmaps to “Banking Into The Future”.
Steve provides leadership in committees at the US Faster Payments Council (FPC), the Fed Improvements facilitated Business Payments Coalition, X9 ISO 20022 Market Practices Forum, the FedNow Community, and the FPC Board Advisory Group.
The Team
We share Steve Wasserman’s true north vision of Vments' core platform and ecosystem for the future of banking.
Our team includes several MIT Fintech cohorts with a highly focused professional relationship. We share intellectual abilities and the actual capability to execute on the business. The team also includes high profile Fintech and Blockchain individuals.
As experienced professionals, we provide the right balance that covers all aspects of developing, implementing, and supporting our client and partner engagements. We are committed to making Vments the best choice for Banking into the Future through its platform for financial institutions, financial services, and integrated hardware and software partners that comprise the ecosystem.
Our collective experience includes client, partner, vendor, and operations management perspectives as bankers and technologists, a global treasury and financial management executive from one of the top investment banks, a Fintech brand identity and marketing strategist, a CTO with expertise in secure and scale enabled architectures, a business development and operations executive experienced with the Federal Reserve and other government organizations, and other Fintech professionals.
Our team also includes our strategic development partner, Photon Infotech, which is a tier one solutions and services provider to many of the Fortune 100. See more about Photon under Clients & Partners
Steve is a stellar CEO, and we are committed to his leadership. From day one, we have complemented his vision with domain experience, intellectual honesty, clarity, chemistry, and a strong belief and commitment to banking into the future.